As House Republicans stand against the pork-laden "stimulus" bill with NOT ONE REPUBLICAN VOTING FOR THIS MONSTROSITY, attention now moves to the Senate. It now seems that the American people are weighing in against the Obama/Pelosi "stimulus".
Polling is now showing that support for this bill is falling precipitously as more and more information is leaking out about the pork in it! Only 42% now support the passage of this bill...down from over 50% a few days ago.
Now there are some Democrats in the Senate who are beginning to express doubt about its passage. Call your Senators and express your disdain for this ideologically authored monstrosity which has more rewards for Democrat supporters than true stimulus for the economy.
Friday, January 30, 2009
The Republicans Grow a Spine--FOUR MONTHS TOO LATE
Posted by
Jim-the Classical Liberal (Views from the Right)
3:14 PM
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Oh How I Wish This Were a Do-Nothing Congress!!!
A terrific read--"The Case for Doing Nothing" from Politico.
According to Heritage...
After Congress appropriates the FY’09 omnibus bill, they may have spent over $1.4 Trillion in less than one month!The current “stimulus bill” will be the LARGEST SPENDING BILL EVER enacted by Congress, making the New Deal look small, accounting for inflation.
The “Stimulus” Bills Your Family – $825 Billion is equivalent to borrowing $10,520 from EVERY FAMILY IN AMERICA. This money has to be paid back.
If all families were asked to equally shoulder the burden of $825 Billon, this debt would be equivalent to what they roughly spend on food, clothing, and health care in an entire year.
If Government Spending solved recessions, we would never have recessions.
- Over $142 Billion in Federal education funds
- Expanded Medicaid coverage and SCHIP
- Digital TV Coupons ($650 Million)
- Gov’t Cars ($600 Million)
- Nat’l Endowment for the Arts ($50 Million)
- Repairs to National Mall ($200 Million, including $21m for sod)
The Congressional Budget Office estimates that only 52% of the spending in the ‘stimulus bill’ can even be spent by the end of FY’10. Well short of the 75% benchmark set by President Obama.
Posted by
Jim-the Classical Liberal (Views from the Right)
10:07 AM
One Week Down and Approval Down 15 Points...
7 Days Down, 1454 to Go...
President Obama has finished his first week and has succeeded in having his approval rating fall 15 points.
1) Abortion--by lifting the ban on federal funding of groups that push abortions as one of his first acts, and on the same day as the Right to Life march in Washington, reminded people about his commitment to the destruction of life.
2) Along the same lines--embryonic stem cell research--by lifting the ban federal funding on this questionable line of research, he solidified his position of anti-life. (BTW, the ban was only on federal funding...privately funded research has been allowed over the last several years)
3) Suspending the military tribunals at GITMO--BAD POLICY, BAD IDEA!!!
4) Executive order to close GITMO--by moving on his long-held position on closing the detention center at Guantanamo without a clear plan on how to deal with the 250 people there who remain a threat to the United States showed he is more interested in ideology than in security. This happened on the same day that a former prisoner was identified as the leader of Al-Qadea in Yemen. What will happen when we allow more of these people out?
5) Allowing the States to set new clean air standards independent of the EPA--HEY, YOU!! YES, YOU IN OHIO AND YOU IN MICHIGAN!!! Do you hear the bells tolling...they toll for thee. Say goodbye to Chrystler and maybe to GM if this stands...
6) PORK--well, if nothing else, this proves he is not a Muslim! The pork-laden "stimulus" bill being debated on Capitol Hill...OMG!!!
At this rate, President Obama will be under 50% approval by the end of February! Keep it up, Barry!!!
Posted by
Jim-the Classical Liberal (Views from the Right)
9:50 AM