Thursday, February 7, 2008

Mitt's Out

Well, so much for posting why I supported him for the Chesapeake primary. I still intend to cast a protest vote against McCain and will mark my ballot for a real conservative. Now that Romney is out, my vote may go to Hunter or Thompson. It will not go to the old man--I hope he gets the message so that I can support him heartily in November.

Yeah--and pigs might fly too...

Now more than ever I fear that the Dems may just win (we will never win by being Democrat-lite. ARE YOU LISTENING, JOHN???)

So I await the old man's speech at CPAC--we shall see...

1 comment:

jpb2525 said...

McCain? Dem-lite? Are you kidding me? Ev's jimmy...ev's.

you could always vote for huckleberry...or whatever his name is...he's really quite conservative....and an evangelical too....but a bit kooky if you as me.....McCain? a democrat? are you kidding me???