Monday, October 27, 2008

8 Days To Go--The Richmond Times Dispatch Endorsement

My thanks to my friend DJ McGuire who posted yesterday about the Richmond Times Dispatch endorsement...

To quote from his blog...

"It’s not the endorsement per se that earned such praise, it was the rationale - one that desperately needs repeating over, and over, and over again (from their editorial, emphasis added):

We believe that Obama is qualified by temperament to serve as president, though
his limited experience does give pause. We believe he possesses the depth and the eloquence to inspire his fellow citizens and to spread America’s message of liberty and freedom abroad.

But we are troubled by many of his policy positions. His devotion to higher taxes on work, capital, innovation, and risk-taking seem particularly dangerous during a year in which the U.S. economy is struggling. His tepid, on-again-off-again support for free trade is equally frightening. He seems not to understand the forces that created the Great Depression nearly eight decades ago — at a moment when that understanding is absolutely essential.
I’ve been saying for weeks now that McCain is better on economic issues than Obama. I’m glad to see I’m not the only one who understands this.

The question is, will enough Americans see it to make the right choice next Tuesday? "

Indeed, DJ...we must continue to pray that we do not get the leadership we deserve. God punished people of Israel in Biblical times for their lack of faith and their determination not to serve Him. I pray we do not get the leadership we deserve in America...

1 comment:

jpb2525 said...

Jimmy: You said: "we must continue to pray that we do not get the leadership we deserve. God punished people of Israel in Biblical times for their lack of faith and their determination not to serve Him. I pray we do not get the leadership we deserve in America..."

This has already happend...8 years of ....hmmm....maybe you're right......!!! OBAMA is THE ONE!!
