Friday, October 31, 2008

Four Days to Go--Bad News for The One

ZOGBY SATURDAY: Republican John McCain has pulled back within the margin of error... McCain outpolled Obama 48% to 47% in Friday, one day, polling. He is beginning to cut into Obama's lead among independents, is now leading among blue
collar voters, has strengthened his lead among investors and among men, and is
walloping Obama among NASCAR voters.

Reasons I believe McCain can still win:

1. The One consistently polled higher in several primaries than he actually recieved votes

2. Anyone who is still undecided is likely so because they cannot bring themselves to vote for The One...if they have not gotten there yet, they are unlikely to do so

3. Several polls are oversampling Democrats based on "enthusiasm" for the party based on the additional registrations this year for the party--this doesn't take into account how many registered as Dems to vote in the primaries against Hillary (Reps and independents registering in order to promote chaos in the primaries in later states)

4. Joe the Plumber and the "redistributing the wealth" comment...and the horrific way Joe has been treated after being approached by The One out of the blue and simply asking a question...

5. The One suddenly is in Iowa...I thought he had that state wrapped up...why spend time and money there now?

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